Recycling is very important in preserving the natural resources of nature, saving energy and also is an effective and rational use of primary raw materials (metals and minerals) replacement. The collection, processing and recycling of various metal scrap has become increasingly important as natural resources are constantly running out of nature with the extraction of raw materials, and hence the same raw material, is becoming more and more expensive.
The main task of our company is a procurement of secondary metal raw materials, with the purpose of the processing and supplying it for recycling. All purchased products are analyzed, sorted, processed and returned to the natural product's life cycle.
Cooperating more closely together with many smaller secondary metal raw material suppliers in various countries, we have evolved a wide distribution network. We can offer superior conditions for cooperation and very high quality of services for all of our partners.
Our company serves an important task in secondary metal raw materials processing cycle, creating a relationship between the number of sub-suppliers of raw materials and large processing plants worldwide. We permanently purchase large quantities of scrap metal scrap, alloys or other shape and form secondary metal raw materials. We are extremely competitive in such secondary raw material markets as stainless steel, copper, brass, aluminum, titanium and lead.